Dr. Mahdi Madani – Cryptography – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mahdi Madani - Cryptography - Best Researcher Award

Imvia laboratory, University of Burgundy Europe - France

Author Profile 


📜 Early academic pursuits

Mahdi Madani began his academic journey with a strong foundation in electrical engineering, obtaining his license from the university of science and technology houari boumediene (usthb) in algeria from 2007 to 2010. his keen interest in telecommunication networks and multimedia led him to pursue a master’s degree at usthb, which he successfully completed in 2012. his academic aspirations further elevated when he moved to france and pursued his doctorate in electronic systems and information security at the lcoms laboratory, university of lorraine, metz, from 2015 to 2018. this phase laid a solid foundation for his future contributions to electronic systems, cryptography, and information security.

💼 Professional endeavors

Mahdi Madani has established a strong academic and professional career, beginning as a phd student at the lcoms laboratory, university of lorraine, from 2015 to 2018, where he gained profound expertise in information security and electronic systems. following this, he served as a temporary teaching and research assistant at the department of rt, iut auxerre, university of burgundy from 2018 to 2020, and later moved to the department of geii, iut nantes, university of nantes from 2020 to 2022. in september 2022, he was appointed as an associate professor in section cnu 61 at the imvia laboratory, ufr st university of burgundy, dijon, where he continues to contribute significantly to both teaching and research.

🔬 Contributions and research focus

Mahdi Madani’s research interests are centered around chaos-based information hiding and security, chaos-based cryptosystems, and mobile network security for various generations such as 2g, 3g, and 4g. his expertise extends to algorithm/architecture suitability, real-time encryption and decryption, and fpga/soc design and implementation. additionally, he has significantly contributed to the fields of signal processing in text, image, and video formats, as well as embedded deep-learning applications. his work focuses on ensuring high-level security in mobile networks and enhancing system efficiency through advanced cryptographic techniques.

🏅 Accolades and recognition

Mahdi Madani’s exceptional academic and research performance is reflected through his impressive scientific production, which includes 10 international journal papers, 10 articles in international conferences, and 3 articles in national conferences. his scholarly contributions have garnered recognition within the research community, further strengthening his reputation as a leading researcher in the domain of electronic systems and information security. his valuable role as a co-supervisor for doctoral theses, master-2 research projects, and his involvement in guiding future researchers have also added to his academic accomplishments.

🌍 Impact and influence

Mahdi Madani’s research and professional contributions have significantly influenced the fields of information security, mobile network security, and electronic systems. his practical work in real-time encryption and decryption using chaos-based cryptography has greatly impacted the development of secure communication systems. his active participation in international conferences and collaborations has fostered global knowledge exchange and innovation in his field. in addition, his teaching expertise in advanced programming, embedded systems, and iot has inspired numerous students to delve into the realm of electronics and security.

🧠 Legacy and future contributions

With a robust academic and professional background, mahdi madani’s legacy is firmly established in the domains of electronic systems and mobile network security. his future endeavors aim to further revolutionize the field of chaos-based cryptosystems and embedded deep-learning applications. by continuing to supervise doctoral theses, conduct innovative research, and participate in collaborative projects, he aspires to advance the standards of information security and contribute to the academic development of aspiring researchers in the field. his role as an associate professor at the university of burgundy allows him to consistently drive positive academic and technological impact.

Notable Publications 

  • Title: Hardware and Secure Implementation of Enhanced ZUC Stream Cipher Based on Chaotic Dynamic S-Box
    Author(s): M Madani, EB Bourennane, S El Assad
    Journal: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2025

  • Title: An Efficient Design and FPGA Implementation of a Hyper-Chaotic and Deep Learning Based PRNG for Image Security Application
    Author(s): Y Alloun, MS Azzaz, A Kifouche, M Madani, EB Bourennane
    Journal: 2024 1st International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Telecommunication, 2024

  • Title: FPGA Implementation of AES-Based on Optimized Dynamic S-Box
    Author(s): MMEBB Calvo Mayaud´on Haroldo, Nakojah Chris David
    Journal: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Privacy, 2024

  • Title: Visually Image Encryption based on Efficient Deep Learning Autoencoder
    Author(s): M Abdelmalek, A Harhoura, I Elaloui, M Madani, EB Bourennane
    Journal: 2nd International Conference on Education & Information Technology, 2024

  • Title: High-Throughput MPSoC Implementation of Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm
    Author(s): J Wang, EB Bourennane, M Madani, J Wang, C Li, Y Tai, L Wang, F Yang
    Journal: Electronics, 2024