Dr. Shivam Joshi - Ecological Assessment - Best Researcher Award
UPES - India
Author Profile
🌱 Early academic pursuits
Shivam Joshi’s academic journey began with a firm foundation in civil engineering at m.s. ramaiah institute of technology, bangalore, where he graduated with distinction, ranking among the top five students in his department. his thirst for knowledge led him to pursue an mba in advanced construction management at the national institute of construction management and research, pune, where he earned scholarships twice. further advancing his expertise, he completed his ph.d. at the university of petroleum and energy studies (upes), dehradun, focusing on consumer behavior, with a thesis on the application of the theory of planned behavior to food and beverage products in the himalayas.
🌟 Professional endeavors
Shivam’s career spans leadership roles in academia and sustainability. at upes, he has been instrumental in conducting india immersion programs and fostering global collaboration through the global living lab, co-led with corey glickman. he also spearheaded the strategic relaunch of the pearl academy business school and directed branding initiatives for the upes school of business, enhancing its reputation and market reach. his leadership extends to managing aspire circle, promoting academic excellence and professional development.
📚 Contributions and research focus
A visionary in sustainability, shivam pioneered the gross environment product (gep), a groundbreaking metric officially adopted by uttarakhand and uttar pradesh for quantifying Ecological Assessment environmental contributions to the economy. his current research includes leading teams at iit kanpur, iit roorkee, and iit mandi to develop the sustainability attainment index. these efforts highlight his commitment to integrating environmental accountability into economic systems.
🏆 Accolades and recognition
Shivam’s achievements have earned him widespread recognition, including academic scholarships during his mba and consistent distinction in his academic pursuits. his gep innovation has Ecological Assessment positioned him as a key figure in sustainability metrics, earning endorsements from state governments and fostering collaborations with corporate and academic leaders.
🌐 Impact and influence
With a network of 45 csr and sustainability leaders, shivam has facilitated strategic partnerships and collaborative projects, advancing sustainability goals in both academic and corporate Ecological Assessment sectors. his experiential learning programs have enriched student experiences, bridging cultural gaps and fostering global engagement.
🔗 Legacy and future contributions
Shivam joshi’s legacy lies in his transformative impact on sustainability metrics and academic innovation. his work continues to influence policies, educational strategies, and corporate practices. as a leader and innovator, he is poised to drive meaningful change, fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.
Notable Publications
- Evaluating the issue of sustainable tourism with a system dynamic approach: evidence from Uttarakhand, India
Authors: Rawat, A., Joshi, S., Rai, S.K.
Journal: Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024, 26(10), pp. 1–28 - From mills to millets, the mediating role of regiocentrism on materialism: Augmenting the theory of planned behavior
Authors: Joshi, S., Sengar, A., Nautiyal, A., Joshi, A.P., Kumar, R.
Journal: Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 2024, 8(7), 4297 - How can I serve you better? Unlocking the digital D2C barriers for regional food products
Authors: Joshi, S., Sengar, A., Nautiyal, A.
Journal: Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2024 - Unveiling the green paradigm: Introducing gross environment product (GEP)-The frontier in ecological growth
Authors: Joshi, A.P., Joshi, S., Purohit, H.
Journal: Ecological Indicators, 2023, 156, 111192