University of electronic science and technology of China - China
Author Profile
📘 Early academic pursuits
Mengjiang Xing embarked on a promising academic journey at xidian university, where he completed his bachelor's degree in electronic science and technology in 2005. with a passion for advanced materials and electronics, he pursued his master’s studies at the same institution, graduating in 2008. driven by an unrelenting curiosity, he earned his doctoral degree from xidian university in 2012, solidifying his expertise in electronic science and technology.
🏢 Professional endeavors
Mengjiang Xing's career is marked by significant roles in academia and industry. he began as the technical director at yunnan yinfeng new materials corporation, where he served for a decade, overseeing groundbreaking innovations in materials science. simultaneously, he contributed to academic research and mentorship at kunming university of science and technology from 2012 to 2019. since 2021, he has been a leading researcher at the yangtze river delta research institute, affiliated with the university of electronic science and technology of china, where he continues to drive research and innovation in advanced electronic materials.
🔬 Contributions and research focus
Mengjiang xing's research spans diverse areas, including electronic information materials and components, electronic functional ceramics, and heterojunction first-principles calculation optoelectronic devices. his work on 3d integrated circuits based on through-silicon-via (tsv) technology has enhanced the performance and miniaturization of modern electronics. employing advanced techniques like first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, he has made strides in the design and optimization of electronic devices.
🏆 Accolades and recognition
As a principal investigator, mengjiang xing has led numerous high-impact research projects, including provincial key projects and initiatives funded by the military commission science and technology commission. his work has received recognition for advancing the understanding and application of electronic functional first-principles calculation materials. his contributions have positioned him as a leading figure in his field, earning him respect and acclaim from both the academic and industrial communities.
🌍 Impact and influence
Mengjiang Xing's research has far-reaching implications for the electronics industry, particularly in the development of high-performance materials and devices. his innovative approaches in optoelectronics and functional ceramics have influenced the design of next-generation technologies, contributing to advancements in first-principles calculation telecommunications, defense, and consumer electronics.
🔗 Legacy and future contributions
As a researcher with a strong foundation in both academic and industrial applications, mengjiang xing continues to shape the future of electronic science and technology. his ongoing projects aim to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical implementation, fostering collaborations that drive innovation and sustainable advancements in electronic materials and devices.
Notable Publications
- Title: Novel direct and wide bandgap SiC semiconductors: High-throughput screening and density functional theory
- Authors: Liu, H.; Xing, M.; Fan, Q.
- Journal: Results in Physics, 2024, 65, 107966
- Title: Three new 7Tri-SiC polymorphs with innovation form and excellent stability: First-principles calculation
- Authors: Liu, H.; Yang, Y.; Xing, M.; Fan, Q.
- Journal: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2024, 192, 112115
- Title: First-Principles Calculations: Structural, Anisotropic, and Electronic Properties of BC14 Carbon Under Pressure
- Authors: Liu, H.; Xing, M.; Fan, Q.
- Journal: Journal of Electronic Materials, 2024, 53(4), pp. 1923–1932
- Title: Two-dimensional carbon allotrope with remarkable electron mobility and tunable band gap under uniaxial strain engineering
- Authors: Liu, H.; Yang, Y.; Xing, M.; Fan, Q.
- Journal: Results in Physics, 2024, 58, 107435
- Title: Mechanical and electrical properties of two-dimensional BN doped with carbon group elements: first-principles calculations
- Authors: Liu, H.; Xing, M.; Fan, Q.
- Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024, 2873(1), 012039