Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Assoc Prof DrFatemehBagheriTarbiat Modares UniversityIranBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrlimingchenChu Hsien-I Memorial Hospital, Tianjin Medical UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrJianweiZhouChina University of Geosciences, Wuhan, ChinaChinaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrHaiboFengChina University of Geosciences, Wuhan, ChinaChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfJialijuanYunnan Minzu UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrDeshanChenWuhan University of Technology/State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and SafetyChinaBest Researcher Award
DrKhalidBarkaouiUniversity of LiègeBelgiumBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrAbolfazlAbdollahipourUniversity of TehranIranBest Researcher Award
DrNazirUllahNanjing UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrNathalieAsherieHadassah University Medical CenterIsraelBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrJunxingHanInstitute of Resources and Environment, Beijing Academy of Science and TechnologyChinaBest Researcher Award
MrNangyaleyKhanUniversity of LeedsUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
Drsharifehrezaeesharif university of technologyIranBest Researcher Award
DrAbubakarMagajiChina University of Geoscience WuhanChinaBest Researcher Award
MrWenheWangChongqing University of Science and Technology,Southwest Petroleum UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrS.H.University of GonabadIranBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrYasserElsharkawyMilitary technical collegeEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrJongchanBaekElectronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)South KoreaBest Researcher Award
DrShalini GaurRudraIndian Agricultural Research InstituteIndiaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrQiangFuChongqing UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for