Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Assist. Prof. DrDaoudaTOEUniversity Thomas SANKARABurkina FasoExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
Prof. DrDr UmeshKumarIMS Ghaziabad University Courses CampusIndiaExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
DrUdemeDicksonIndependent ResearcherUnited KingdomExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
DrKavithaPGTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityIndiaExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
MrAlirezaBabapoorkamaniUniversity of PaviaItalyGlobal Impact in Research Award
DrWenQingYangClinBridge Biotechnology Corporation LimitedChinaIndustry Leadership Excellence Award
MrMueenAbbasUniversity of agriculture FaisalabadPakistanInnovator of the Year Achievement Award
DrAlkaMishraBhilai Institute of Technology DurgIndiaInnovator of the Year Achievement Award
ProfJiChenNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of SciencesChinaOutstanding Contributions in Academia Award
DrArtiGoelAIMT, Amity University, NoidaIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfSunday OlayinkaOyedepoBells University of TechnologyNigeriaOutstanding Scientist Award
DrVed PrakashDwivediInternational Centre for Genetic Engineering and BiotechnologyIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfZhiguoWangGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Mechanistic and Translational Research on Bidirectional Complications among Chronic Conditions, Jinan University, ChinaChinaOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfKaruppiahNagarajNational Forensic Sciences UniversityIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
Prof. DrWuPenghaoXinjiang Agricultural UniversityChinaOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfMrinalGhoshCSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical BiologyIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfBehnamSedaeeUniversity of CalgaryCanadaResearch Excellence Distinction Award
Assoc. Prof. DrUmankMishraGGV, BilaspurIndiaVisionary Research Impact Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMichelaLongoPolitecnico di MilanoItalyWomen Researcher Award
ProfLidiaBaltinaUfa Institute of Chemistry Ufa Federal Research Centre of RASRussiaWomen Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for